Friday, May 06, 2011

O Fortuna

I am very impressed by the exaggerated gesture at the beginning of the video. The first thing that came to my mind was, "Wow, 'we' can do this during a protest or something".

Always have a penchant for hyperboles in musical performance. I thought instead of shouting slogans, we could just sing. It might not be the most effective way of protest, but it'd be so much more fun, in my very very humble opinion.

Imagine some 30 people gather in front of Kompleks Kerajaan (A/B/C/D/E) in Putrajaya and sing in this manner. I doubt it'd be legally dangerous to do so....not like we have provisions against noise pollution in our law....though it may come under "illegal assembly"....haiya who cares la. (omg, i'm no naive, lol.

Or do it when there will be a by-election. Najib/Muhiyuddin walking around here and there shaking hands with people, then 30 people start singing with vivid facial expressions (七情上面). Could just make news headlines.

I think I can really be a fan of behaviourial art. I must participate in a demonstration some time, else my life is so fucking boring and I have nothing to put in my resume.


You know, I think I can't be exclusively homosexual, because one of the things that came to mind when I saw the women in the video was "wah, big breasts".

Though that could be a manifestation of my latent male chauvinism that prompts me to assert dominance (over women) through some crude remarks of their bodies (despite being gay!).

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