Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Tudors


erm...应该是based on Henry VIII 的统治。Zaman Renaissance的。我喜欢看这种English古装片,听他们讲莫名其妙的英语。可是....这个有够“现代”的,因为我还听得懂(也有看subtitle啦ok...)。Pride and Prejudice我是一边看一边查电脑辞典的。(当然啦,全部听不懂就不好玩了。)


今天和朋友到新界茶餐厅小聚,当时餐厅播了这首Ave Maria.

电影《两百磅的爱》的插曲。有很强的悲哀。故事是胖女为了一个型男去减肥整容,整到漂漂亮亮了,问那个型男喜欢什么类型的女生时(她知道他喜欢女生的)竟然说不能接受整型的女生!真是kiong garn!



Monday, October 26, 2009


Saturday, October 17, 2009


Recently a few people brought up this issue, so I also want to share my opinion in this. is hard to tell whether I am mature or not.....very hard.....Mature is not something like table, chair....something you cannot thin air......maybe you can feel it...but not see it......

Mature is not about having cool hairstyle. Nono....if you think like that, then maybe not mature enough....Mature is about not staying up late till 2 oclock just because say you are "depressed" or other things like that. It is about growing up, have clear thoughts, be tough and brave. Try to success, but accept failure.

Some people.......very mature, very nice. When only can I be mature like them??? *cry*

Be brave Rabbit. You must success......

yup 这是一篇针对性文章。大部分东西都是我乱扯的,不代表本人立场。lalalala.

Thursday, October 15, 2009



他借走了我几本书 -- 《现在是以后了吗》,《同根生》,《酷儿千秋》。



Monday, October 12, 2009

Where is the Circle

A point Q moves in such a way that its distance from the point T(2,-3) is twice its distance from the point S(0,3). Find the equation of the locus of point Q.

This is a typical Form 4 Coordinate Geometry question. If you understand the concepts correctly, you should be able to get 3x^2 + 3y^2 + 4x - 30y + 23 = 0.

I still remember the form 4 textbook asks "can you tell the shape of the locus from the equation?" Honestly, I didn't know what the shape is. I reckoned it should be some sort of peculiar curve, though later I was kind of convinced that it should be a circle, though I did not attempt to prove it.

I came across this topic again in Form 6 Mathematics. According to the Maths teacher, we can know that it is a circle because

(i) the coefficients of x^2 and y^2 are equal.
(ii) there is no xy term.

Maybe I was not paying attention, but another condition is that the (radius)^2 cannot be negative.

After generalising the above question to:

A point Q moves in such a way that its distance from the point A(a,b) is k times its distance from the point S(c,d). Find the equation of the locus of point Q.

Hint : 1. The method is the same, just that we use algebraic expressions in place of numerical figures.
2. Use completing the square. Complete the squares of x^2 and y^2.
3. Move the (x+something)^2 + (y+another thing)^2 term to LHS.
4. To prove that the locus is a circle, we need to show that RHS is positive. This can be done by a bit of algebraic manipulations.

The end result:
The equation of locus
(x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = (k^2) [(x-c)^2 + (y-d)^2] can also be expressed as

[x + (a-ck^2)/(k^2 - 1)]^2 + [y + (b-dk^2)/(k^2 - 1)]^2 =
{(k^2)[(a-c)^2 + (b-d)^2]}/(k^2 - 1)^2 , k not = +/- 1.

As you can probably see, the equation of locus is also an equation of a circle.

I have also shown (not here) that the centre of the circle is on the line joining A and B.

1. Maths lecture in school, 福福, 11/10/2009.
2. Pre-U Text STPM Mathematics S&T Paper 1, Tai Pon Hoy, Longman, chapter 5.
3. Success Series, Additional Mahtematics SPM, Wong and Wong, Oxford Fajar, pg.123.

Anyway, I still remember in form 3, prior to PMR, when I was still struggling with my sexual orientation, the KH teacher asked the whole class, among triangle, square, circle, which is our favourite and gave us 3 seconds to think.

I cannot decide between triangle and circle. I don't like circle that time, because I don't like pi. Even until today I still don't know how to get the value of pi and how to prove the area of circle is (pi)r^2. But I also don't like trigonometry, and I recalled that some Greek mathematician or philosopher said that circle is the most perfect shape, so in the end I chose circle.

The teacher said that all who chose circle are gila seks. I was quite happy; since I'm gila seks I cannot be gay, I thought.

It was later that I came to realize men also have circles.

* If a rectangle is analogous to an area covered by the linear movement of a line segment in the direction perpendicular to itself, what is analogous to a sphere? A volume covered by the rotational movement of a circle about an axis which is on the same plane as the circle and passing through the circle's centre?

闭门造车。学而不思则x, 思而不学则y.


Thursday, October 08, 2009

Cry Again

Just finished crying.
Cried like how a child would cry after being caned.

I am very dramatic.

Sunday, October 04, 2009



红灯,放慢车速,原本在我后面的proton saga左边overtake我,然后排我前面。

Maileih!!!! 都红灯了你赶什么赶!你kiong garn!!!!

我tulan, 排另外一条lane, 在他前面。

“38!herrr....!!!!! 最好去撞前面的车的。”
“ 你习惯这样的车速,可能他不习惯嘛....." 爸爸讲的。

“somok!!! 这个是市区咯,speed limit是多少?60还是70?我忘记了,我没有背!”


