Thursday, January 07, 2010

Suicide and Death Penalty

Just came to my mind when I was waiting for my mother to pick me up after school.

Why the criminalisation of Suicide? If the reason is a religious one, such as that one's life is not his/her own but in the hands of God and can only be taken away by God, then it is inconsistent with the death penalty, because I think it should follow that if only God can take away a human's life, then no other humans can take any other human's life.

Now I can see two cases to be considered:

1. Fuck God. Humans can do anyting they like with their lives or any other's life.

- Then the criminalisation is against this belief. The validity of the death penalty remains unchallenged.

2. Only God can take away one's life.

- Death penalty is against this belief, and the belief is a valid rationale for criminalising attempted suicide.

Therefore, if we are to bring God into this matter, then only either the death penalty or the criminalisation of attempted suicide (Act 309, Malaysian Penal Code) stays.

Since I am inclined towards both decriminalising attempted suicide and abolishing the death penalty, the argument from God is not of much use. Now the next reason to consider is deterrence, which I think is much more complicated.

According to this article, the "Attempted Suicide Act" has never been enforced in Malaysia until 2008. My recent "official" standing is that laws should be enforced, or adjusted such that it can be enfored or such that the subjects governed by the law could accept the enforcement of the law, or repealed, or at least an official statement should be made about not enforcing that law.

Suppose I believe that the government has a duty to discourage people from taking their own life, and IF the criminalisation of an attempted act deters people from doing that act, then can I accept the continued criminalisation of attempted suicide provided that law is not enforced?

OMG my head....Taking easy way: can deter one? people one die sure can die one la, deter also no use one la.....people already want die who cares you criminalise or not ah.....

ok, problem solved.

1 comment:

cxian329 said...

I dont understand at all