Friday, April 30, 2010

On My Second Crush

I have problems in comprehending 'love', the way the word is used as a verb.

As in 'I love you.'

I don't understand why 'love' is used as a transitive verb, as in Subject + Verb + Object, e.g. Lily eats rice; in contrast with intransitive verbs, which have the general sentence structure of Subject + Verb, e.g. I sleep.

I feel that when an object of affection is followed by 'love', it implies that love, as the subject's "action", is having an effect on the object. This clearly is untrue, as in the case of unreciprocated affection.

Maybe I'm mixing up state verbs with action verbs. State verbs, are, well, verbs that describe a state.
Emotion : I hate that dog!
Possession: I have a penis.
Senses : I hear birds chirping.
Thought : She believed everything he told her.

But I'm not talking about "I love pizza" or "Children love to play". When used like that I can easily understand the meaning of the sentence. However, I'm writing about the intense affection or deep tender feelings the subject has for the object. If we consider the causal connection between the object and the subject's feelings, I think we may safely conclude it is the object which "causes" love to grow in the subject.

I'm guessing that the reason I find "I love you" 'weird' is that it doesn't account for the intrapersonal dimension of love - the hormonal changes! the shortness of breath! the temporary malfunctioning of cerebral cortex! The cause of such excitement (if I may say so) is not explicitly addressed if we express love by saying "I love you".

To me, "I love you" is the utterance of one's love, but I fancy a more "rational" expression that addresses the cause of love -- 'You made me love'. The former conveys to the object that the subject has some sort of affection for them, but the latter asserts more. It addresses the reason of the subject's tender feelings, reason being the object, and conveys such feelings without the anticipation for the object's reply which is usually associated with "I love you". The meaning is complete.

You made me love.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No Soft Skills

今天Ah Koay讲到一句话,刚好刺到我,怒火中烧。




Friday, April 23, 2010


Since I'd rather fail MUET than not online, I think I can only try to blog something as practice for tomorrow's MUET writing test instead of staring blankly on my facebook profile.

First of all, I really regret chatting with Quah Chee Sian till 3 oclock in the morning, one day before the MUET test. Now I'm so sleepy....

I don't know why I should be so concerned with this MUET test, because I don't think I need a band 5 or 6, since it's unlikely that I'll apply for the "competitive courses" like engineering or medicine.

But I suppose my vanity will not easily forgive myself if I fail to get a Band 4 or above. Well to be honest I demand a band 5 from myself (although I know my writing is going to pull down the marks!), although I do allow for a band 4, as what I've been repeating in my mind these few days :

"Aim for band 5, hope for band6, be happy with band 4."

(p.s. Should I do badly in the test, this blog post shall become testimony to the saying that "pride comes before the fall")

I wonder what topics would come out for the writing section. I do hope it will be something controversial like:

1. Young people should vote for BN in the next general election. Do you agree? Give your views.

2. Gay people should just go die. Give your views.

3. MUET speaking test is so fake. Give your opinion.

rather than :

1. Discuss strategies of attracting more tourists to Malaysia.

2. Discuss ways to promote unity among Malaysians.

Ok I was half joking. The groups of topics above represents extremes of both ends of a spectrum of topics from simply dry to outrageous, none of which is likely to be actual test topics. However, I think I need to be emotional in order to write a good essay - I can only produce a good essay only if the things I write are what I feel strongly about. That is probably my weakness in writing.
Internet addiction:

An addiction is a persistent behavioural pattern marked by physical or psychological dependency or tolerance which brings disruption in the quality of life of the organism.

Strategies to attract more tourists:

1. erm. improve taxi service
2. erm. improve safety (crime)
3. erm. eco-tourism. Because of the hype of climate change and stuff, people will be more inclined to spend their holidays in "eco" places. Malaysia have the world's oldest tropical rainforest and what Pulau Sipadan. Snorkelling centre. Promote it.

that's all la. Why people want to come to malaysia? So many better places to go.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Power is Knowledge



kakak : DeluSion, mana itu itu....

me : oh, sudah rosak.

kakak : Itu itu.....kuali kecil tu.

me : Dalam bilik saya. Sudah rosak.

kakak : oh.....kamu guna? Saya nak goreng telur, cari tak jumpa......(恐怖的腔调)

me : erm. Tapi sudah rosak.

你可以看到我重头到尾都拒绝多解释,只是重复"rosak", "rosak", "rosak"。那个kakak也没有机会多问什么,也只能接受我的well, "rosak".

1. Perempuan yang bergaul bebas adalah kerana mereka tidak mempunyai harga diri.

2. 华人应该懂华语。

3. Homosexuality is a sin.

4. Huraikan cara-cara untuk meningkatkan semangat patriotisme dalam kalangan orang muda.

5. Peningkatan kadar jenayah dalam kalangan remaja disebabkan keruntuhan institusi kekeluargaan.

6. Semua orang percaya kepada Tuhan.

7. 所有宗教都是教人向善的。

8. Bapa merupakan ketua dalam keluarga.

9. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
Taat Setia kepada raja dan negara
Keluhuran Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan undang-undang
Kesopanan dan kesusilaan

10. 家庭是社会的基本结构。

11. 仁义礼智。

12. Dalam kelas saya hanya ada bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris. Saya tak mau dengar bahasa lain.

13. I don't want to hear you all speak Mandarin anymore har......Speak English.

14. 华人不懂华语是可耻的。

15. 马来人,都没有文化的......没有历史的......


16. 有些男生举止娘娘腔是因为雌性荷尔蒙分泌过多。

17. 有些男生变成同性恋是因为他们小时被同性性侵。

18. 还有一些是因为跟女性有过不愉快的经历,比如:被女生劈腿,小时妈妈的教育方式过严。

19. 不过也有一些是参女生太多,所以他也认同女生的喜好了。


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How Can Like This.....

Ah Koay (chemistry teacher) did not enter a 3-period class today. With so much time to kill, some of us were studying (while chatting haha) and the others are playing chess and talk cock and stuff.

I guess we were pretty noisy. Ah Ch'ng came out from his room and subtly reminded us to "do our own work".

And then when the second time he came out again, he suggested that we could discuss organic chemistry questions or go back to class instead of staying in the lab. I wish we had talked a little about the organic chemistry questions, rather than continued talking shit.

Maybe not everybody is as studious as me (not to say I'm very studious also la...), some may want a little bit or rest after the crazy!-sick!-变态!-"5 subjects in 2 days" exam. But I kind of feel disgusted by the way some of our classmates threw out this excuse:

" We already passed up the question paper with the answers." ----1

Don't you think it sounded so stupid? I mean, the teacher offered to teach when he didn't have to, and they made it sound like we were forced to study or something. Summore, question paper passed up already ah? Your problem la! Tell the teacher for what? Sounds so.....childish.

Maybe it was the way the meaning was conveyed. Suppose we change to excuse to :

"Oh we'd love to Mr Ch'ng. But unfortunately we already passed up the question paper to Mr Koay." ----2 (blame it on Ah Koay, haha)

I really hate myself for this, because I find this totally acceptable compared to the first line.

Language is part of culture.


People who are seriously considering studying form 6 should really think thrice. Not all your classmates are the studious kind. Of course, people don't need to be studious or academic-inclined to be good. There are some people in my year whom I think I could learn so much from. But.....god....when it comes to the classes.....(not sure what's the other 2 science classes are like)

So.....if you study form 6, don't think you're the best just because you get number 1 or anything. So many things to learn from your peers. 时时刻刻保持警惕。不要因为赞美而飘飘然。(而且你到了这个年纪也很少人要去称赞你了啦。)

Not too long ago I've stopped concerning myself with the flaws of other people. Don't need to be angry of other people, unless they target-specifically hurt you or anything. But sometimes......god.....I wish Zulkarnain can seriously fuck the noisy person out of the bio lab.



Language is part of culture.

Thursday, April 08, 2010


就是ah hor....天我懒惰写了。


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

On the Lift of the Ban

I read from the news, and later from a few blogs that the Film Censorship Board now permits the display of homosexuality and transexualism, as long as the gay (man?) or transsexual repents (or dies?) at the end of the movie.

What follows is a blog post of a transexual woman, Yuki, which I repost here with her permission.

Ignorant Filmakers Sanctioned To Draw First Blood On Trans People.

I do apologize for not writing much these days, as I have quite a number of things on my mind. However, something propped up last week in my-email that I feel needs to be addressed. Slightly reversing the decision by the Information, Communications and Culture Ministry last year that bans depictions of rempits and trans people (I still do not get the connection between violent motorcyclists and decent human beings with a medical condition), local filmmakers can now depict homosexuality and trans people IF the film ends with sad or tragic consequences to homosexual persons or trans people.

I am very thrilled that my acts of going to work, singing Karaoke with my friends, sleeping, watching movies and enjoying music are considered “immoral activities” by some quarters that I need to repent from. I am also sure that some of my friends would be excited that their loving relationships with their partners is considered nothing but a “culture” that may damage moral values of other people, and people need protection from some insane influence to turn heterosexuals to homosexuals (as if it is ever possible).


I absolutely do not get any relevance from movies that are based on nothing by idle speculation and lazy guessing into the life of a trans woman, like “…(Anu) dalam botol” for example. I would not even say poorly researched; it is pure fictional fantasy (I can imagine no research was done for “2Alam” either). I do not magically wish to “transform” into a woman to please anyone. If my partner is homosexual, he would find that gross because he wants a man, not a woman. I would not even regret getting the operation done if I have the chance, and if I do stumble upon a loving girl, then we would have a decent lesbian relationship, a kind of partnership that is recognized as the most low risk group for HIV/AIDS infection. By the way I do not even like sex. And I am not a “transvestite”.

So, this is plain misinformation, miscommunication and a counter-culture move to allow demonization of people like me. I have totally no regrets being who I am and am proud to be finally be living, not as who Raja Azmi Raja Sulaiman’s thinks I am or I should be. I shall die in pride that though my life is difficult thanks to ignorant and deceitful people like these so-called filmmakers, at least I live as the woman I truly am. These hate-mongering, rumour spreading and lie parroting heterosexists like “Dr” Rozmey may be getting the hype they want. But if any in the trans community of Malaysia commits suicide or are murdered due to the climate of prejudice, misunderstanding, intolerance and discrimination these “filmmakers” create, my sisters’ blood is surely on their hands.

DeluSion's comment : I still want to watch "Dalam Botol" though.