Monday, March 01, 2010




“Assigning genders to the respective acts of throwing and collecting oranges reflects the social expectations for a woman and a man in finding their marital partners. It reflects the passivity of women in choosing their partners, as all she could do is just to BE AVAILABLE, and such availability is represented by the act of throwing oranges, thereby offering herself to the choice of men. On the other hand, men assume a more active role in choosing their life partners, and enjoy the luxury of choice, as seen in taking one orange from a pool of available oranges. While a man can carefully pick a good orange from a variety, all a woman could do is to throw her orange and pray for a good man."

所以leih hor...我本来是打算又抛又捞的,因为这样的话代表人喜欢我的话,我知道,我喜欢人的话,人知道。Double the chance!

*Comment lah.


cyang said...


Sayonara said...


DeluSion said...

Sorry, forgot to reply:

cyang : 是啊?

wsxwhx720: your blog sucks.

Sayonara : erm.....不知道怎样回答。