Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Culture! Culture!

One day, me, Chinese girl, European guy, Chinese American guy working on our Linear Algebra finals in the library. (Yes, it was a take-home finals, and we could work together!)
(earlier I asked them whether getting a "B" is bad, because I talked to one of my HOT physics American coursemate, and he was like "oh if I got a B I'm going to quit school", and I was like WTF.)

Me: Hey, so we need to fill up the course evaluations before we can check our grades?

Chinese girl: Yes, you need to do that.

Me: Oh okay. We have until the 23rd to do that right? Cuz, it's like, if we fill up the course evaluations earlier, then we can check our grades earlier, but I'm like, "No! I can wait!"

Chinese girl: Well you can wait but your parents might not.

Me: (surprised of what she said but understand where she's coming from) Oh. Meh. I don't think my parents care about my grades as long as I pass.

European: Wait. Why do you need to tell your parents about your grades?

Me: (自作聪明)Oh it's culture-specific.

Chinese American: Haha.

*I don't really think it's really a cultural phenomenon la. Maybe just that girls' parents.

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