Saturday, July 17, 2010


I seriously hope people can talk about something else other than me being so smart, chemistry get 90+ etc. Yes there's a part of me that is always waiting for compliments, however nauseating it may be. Yet the recurrence of such compliments at an alarming frequency seems to suggests lacks in other departments.

I want to be more good-looking!
I want to be more sociable!
I want to become more skillful in driving!
I want to be able to sing!

Ok, whatever.

The thing can people think I'm good.....I know people are just being polite when they say this.....but there's so many smarter smarter, cleverer people around. How can they say this?!?! It's like an insult to those people!!!!

Ok, whatever.

What's more when there's one guy, who's so BEAUTIFUL (beautiful not= handsome, not= 帅) ,and intelligent and stuff. And who cares if he gets only 50+ or anything in chemistry? It just dwarfs everything that you have, and makes you become humble, in every positive way.

Seriously people.


Khai said...

you are so smart and handsome.

Crystal Colloid Cum said...

You never saw my real person also...

But anyway yalo yalo I agree.

Sayonara said...

tau pun. 现在才知道

Crystal Colloid Cum said...

Sayonara: >.< oh.

Lucifer said...

not going to say u're although part of me really wanted to. haha.

there're many things in life u can't change. or maybe can only be changed to a certain extent.

but it's still worth is to make an effort. life's like that, after all.

oh ya....wanted to tell u i blog here now. deleted the previous one coz someone found out. cheers!

Crystal Colloid Cum said...

Lucifer: OMG it's JT. I like your blog!

Hintz said...

I want to be more good-looking!
1. eat more protein
2. get fatter
3. exercise more

I want to be more sociable!
1. maybe some books that teach you about social skills may help?

I want to become more skillful in driving!
-no comment

I want to be able to sing!
-no comment

Crystal Colloid Cum said...

Hintz: Thanks a lot.

Lucifer said...

yup it's JT. sorry for my sudden disappearance. =)