Saturday, November 21, 2009


1. 同性恋没有错也没有伤害人,不过如果全世界都同性恋的话,那么人类将绝种,所以我不鼓励同性恋。

2. 吃饭是人类求生的本能,不过如果全世界人类都只顾吃饭不干活的话,那么全人类将饿死,所以我不鼓励吃饭。

3. 大小便是自然现象,不过如果人一整天都在大小便,人将缺水虚脱而死,所以我不鼓励大小便。

4. 男生自慰是正常的情欲发泄,不过如果每个男生都一整天只顾打水枪的话,国家经济将停滞不前,所以我不鼓励男生自慰。

5. 女生自慰好像也是正常的情欲发泄,不过如果每个女生都只爱自慰不爱男根,人类将会灭绝,所以我也不鼓励女生自慰。

6. 当医生很伟大,不过如果每个人都当医生没人耕田,世界将会产生粮食危机,所以我不鼓励当医生。

7. 杀人放火很不应该,不过如果全部人都奉公守法,世界变没有警察,没有警察社会将会失序,所以我不反对人家杀人放火。

8. 当和尚尼姑很好,不过如果全世界都持色戒的话,人类将绝种,所以我不鼓励长期出家。

9. 男欢女爱很正常,不过如果全部男女都只在床上做工,国家经济将严重衰退,所以我不鼓励男女性交。

10. 讲废话是人的天性,不过如果24小时都在讲将会口干舌燥脱水而死,所以我不鼓励讲废话。

* 没有针对任何人。


Sayonara said...

Nice video. Like it.

cyang said...

got video meh?

Rabbit said...

You didn't mention I also won't realize got video....>.<


Hintz said...


Rabbit said...

Jump…^3 : 借转移话题来制造尴尬那么就不好了。祝你考试愉快。

ryus said...

the things what u're writing is what we call extreme thinking, an error in thinking...

Crystal Colloid Cum said...

ryus : which are the examples that illustrate the invalidity in form and emptiness in content of statement 1. 

Crystal Colloid Cum said...

ryus : which are the examples that illustrate the invalidity in form and emptiness in content of statement 1.

Since statement 1 has the same form as the others, it follows that if the other statements is invalid in form, so is statement 1, which is what this post is trying to show.

Thank you for pointing out the name of this logical fallacy.

Raindeavour said...

.... (Y)

ryus said...

haha, learn the term in thinking skill, surely statement 1 is invalid, so as the others...
extreme thinking in other words can be FIKIR TERLALU BANYAK... LOL