Thursday, November 12, 2009


今天考chemistry,头头是Pak Ho进班。你知道他几多话讲的,所以分了考卷还跟我们射蚊子一下。(still got 2 minutes lah har.....)

不知道讲到什么了,oh, 好像是讲班上两个男生homosexual,然后全部人就正常地笑咯。
然后,这时,Lailai sipek 正经地问:

"sir, do you ok homosexual?"

问的语气就像问“Is Malaysia an Islamic Country?", 就像问"What can be done to save youths from negative activities?",就像问"Discuss ways to improve national unity."

我突然间也(愚蠢的)等着Pak Ho回答。同时再次意识到我的身份是很具话题性的,意识到我的存在是有待肯定的。顿时愤怒,也顿时平静。

”what do you mean by ok?"

" can you accept two men?"

"Two men what? Make a full sentence."

" you feel ok with homosexual?"

"Do you feel ok means you're asking me whether I'm sick or not. You see....ok is an adjective....bla bla bla"
"You see, we are conditioned by our customs and traditions. Is it right? Do you agree?"


"Well, they have their freedom right, as long as they do not go against the law, it should be fine. But if the society cannot accept that...then they've got to follow the customs right? If they choose to go against the customs....then they become an outcast, a pariah. bla bla bla."

非常“中立”与无害的论调。我一点也不觉得有多好听。我最原始的本能让我,sorry, 是第二原始的本能。最原始的本能是性欲。Ok, 我第二原始的本能让我有站起来喊fuck you的冲动。当然啦,我第三原始的本能让我马上平静。

然后我想起我还要考chemistry, 考卷在手了,时间没到我也可以先做。
有人问过我,“这个社会有歧视同性恋meh?” 每一时每一刻,深入骨子里。

“Can you accept Chinese?"
"Can you accept married woman working?"
"Can you accept Chinese become Menteri Besar?"

1 comment:

Sayonara said...

lailai very kepo noh, haha