我觉得我从来没有best friend这个概念。可能是我人际关系的失败。不过我中学时觉得我有蛮多good friends, so我也觉得ok lo...不会觉得内心空洞还是什么。
So你知道啦,中四的时候。不知道zomok, 朋友当中一群人就开始anti某个人(Q)。
我认为我没有跟着anti啦。当时我觉得这样做太恐怖了。当时还没出柜,完全不想让另一个人也同样感受那种精神与社交上的孤立与无助。况且我和他5年级时参加一个生活营,我的队员全部讲我Ah Pon 时只有他一个参我罢了。(谢谢。)所以当很多人下课吃饭时都不跟他坐同一桌,我(有时)就会去跟他一起坐。不是我跟他特别好,只是觉得有必要抗拒这种集体的愚蠢。
后来,另一个人,R,也被anti了咯。这次我没有这样“伟大”了。因为....我个人不是很喜欢他。Form1时一整天叫我Piano Girl,后来又给其他人起外号。我不知道为什么R这样还能受欢迎!我觉得是因为他很能做事情咯,就是不是单单会读书罢了。
我不明白我们一群人为什么能够容许R不断的对周围的人施行语言暴力。I have no idea how R commanded the popularity that once was among our small circle of people. How did he earn the privilege of verbally assaulting anyone without any repercussions for so long a time? Friendship to him seems to be suspending the otherwise constant verbal assaults on his friends. Friendship, in his case, was endowed upon his friends. Maybe I am unfair towards him. Not that I really tried to understand him. And I don't think my heart was strong enough for that. I've never seen him in person again after an OldTown session interspersed with his jokes about a guy who broke up with his apparently lesbian girlfriend in 2009. (or 2010)
(Translation: 为什么他能够这样受欢迎har? 我觉得他的友情是一种施舍lo。就是没有讲人就已经很好了。讲人而不需承担(政治?)后果是他的特权。或许我这样讲对他很不公平吧。我重来没有真正理解过他。我觉得我没有这个能耐。)
Last year, a form 6 friend (S) deleted me from his facebook friend list. I have no idea what were the exact incidents that precipitated in his action. I understand I do have flaws that might annoy him, and I wasn't really the ideal friend during my form-6 years, so to his defense (which some of you may find unnecessary) that deletion perhaps was not without basis. But what exactly those bases were, I haven't a clue. And he did not delete from the MSN friend list at first (since I could still see his activity). But I chose to delete him after some struggle. My pride would not allow me to be on MSN everyday just to await his pardon.
o.O~if somebody don't feel syiok to watch with us, you have ur right for not following us~You can join your others friends~I dun mind~but pls dun everytime also not happy even with just watching a movie~No offense~lalalalalalalalala
This is not the first time you threaten to exclude me from a friend outing or gathering.
But you have nothing to threaten me. My only question to your repeated threats is:
Are you serious?
okay, everything is like coming in and out and I really didn't get the last part. Anyhow, boycotting is something that people tends to do, but somehow when I boycott, I just limit my interaction them, and try not to 扯上关系 to complicate things. owh well, chillax you have more to face in US.
Tempus: Thanks for being even bothered to read the whole thing.
ya lo ya lo...this small things I also need to complain, how to survive in US...
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