Saturday, May 07, 2011

Motivational Song and Words of the Month

stop crying, being a slut, grow up, face the reality, else you will end up being nobody..

Gosh I don't want to go for the interview! Somebody please tell me Singapore sucks!


----- chim到要死的理发师。我去剪头发压力到要死。那天梦到他不屑剪我头发>.<

Look what I found:

See his heart-breaker face:


Robinn T said...

just fo the record on your theology post. honestly, buddhism was never a religion to begin with. It was and still is a way of life people choose to take for the rest of their lives.

as for the nun, well what she said was actually sounding for homosexuality in a way.

if two men like each other, just pure love is fine. why go for sex?

well, it is stereotypical in the society to put two men together=sex, no love.Because they never believed in true love between 2 men at the first place.

at least the nun gave the ring, two men liking each other is good enough.

Isn't that enough? Of course sex is bad(so to speak) in all forms, homo or hetero. And its because of lust that we have sex. So she never denied that love and exist between 2 men.

Ain't that what we are trying to proof all these while?

Crystal Colloid Cum said...

I'm going to refrain from replying at the moment considering that I've been awake for the past 40 hours.