Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Knowledge Empowers is Power is the Product of Power

Crime Against Nature - a biological perspective

If a person tells you homosexuality is wrong because it is against the order of nature/unnatural/against the law of universe etc...when (s)he's eating a fruit with seeds, tell him:

"Against the order of nature ah? You think you eat apple very natural meh? Apple grows in temperate climate right? Malaysia is tropical country why you eat apple? How disgusting to ship the apple from the place it's MEANT to grow to tropical country! You are PLAYING GOD. Summore! Fruits is not MEANT to be eaten by humans. You know why trees grow fruit? They want birds to eat the fruit, swallow the seeds, and propogate the seeds when the birds poo. What you do now? You throw away the seeds! Don't eat fruits unless you swallow the seeds whole and go POO AROUND in the wild! That's how nature works, and you're violating that!"

I study Biology not because I 100% love science, but because I want to participate in the power-playing process. Nobody is going to write into a textbook that my existence is a perversion.

(nota tambahan: So when people say it's against the nature, what they actually mean to say is "'s so gross!!!" )


Anonymous said...

I like this...

tuls said...

hahahahahahaha... betul:)

Robinn T said...

Okay i have to rebate on the apple issue. We were suppose to eat apples also okay... We are defying the nature by eating meat, but not apples. Us primates were suppose to consume and disperse nuts,fruits and plants because our dental anatomy is as of the primates.

throwing away the seed seemed logical because they gets stuck in most human's throat down their stomach.

And seriously, why bother about defying nature? The people says it defies nature simply because the Bible says so. In the REAL nature, even homosexual activities are taking part. I don't have the exact examples, but i think Dolphins or some fish are doing it. *refer to I pronounce Chuck and Larry*

Homosexuals aren't defying nature, they are defying social norms.


Crystal Colloid Cum said...

"Homosexuals aren't defying nature, they are defying social norms."

Which is the point of this post, although "同性恋是是不是的问题,不是做不做的问题。”

And no, it's "against nature" to eat apples, because apples don't grow "naturally" in our tropical climate.

Your success in providing an alternative interpretation on the apple issue shows that "nature" is not an objective, persistent being, but the product of human/cultural interpretation of the world as perceived by our senses.

Nothing wrong with defying nature.

Robinn T said...

uhm how do you explain the apple tress in my friend's grandma's house in Cameron Highlands?

Crystal Colloid Cum said...

Tempus: You should only eat apples in Cameron Highlands then :p The only reason I brought up this apple issue is to highlight the absurdity of the "against the nature" argument.